Explore innovative programs designed to empower our youths to excel in school, become good citizens, and lead both healthy and productive lives.
Triple Play is a dynamic wellness program that demonstrates how eating right, keeping fit and forming positive relationships add up to a healthy lifestyle.
The Mind component of Triple Play helps Club members develop a knowledge base to acquire healthy habits, such as making smart food choices, understanding appropriate portion sizes and creating fun and balanced meals.
The Body component of Triple Play encourages young people to be physically active through fun daily fitness, including games and activities to get them moving. Daily fitness challenges give youth of every age a chance to play longer and harder at a variety of games.
The Soul component of Triple Play provides social recreation programs and activities that strengthen interpersonal skills, foster good character and develop positive relationships and cooperation among young people. Club youth acquire a healthy self-concept and belief in their self-worth, and cope well with positive and adverse situations.
Program Development Triple Play was created by a team of experts at Boys & Girls Clubs of America, with advice and counsel from leading health, medical, nutrition and fitness experts. The program’s nutrition component was developed with the Department of Health & Human Services.

CareerLaunchTM is a career exploration and mentoring program for teens ages 13-18. This program includes the CareerLaunch Web site that allows teens to take an interest survey, explore careers, identify training or college requirements, seek out financial aid and play skills-building games. There's also an easy-to-use Career Exploration Quick Reference Guide with a broad range of career planning and job skills activities that Club staff or volunteers can use with teens. The CareerLaunch Portfolio contains a Teen Tips booklet with helpful interviewing and on-the-spot job tips.
Goals for Graduation introduces Club members ages 6 to15 to the concept of academic goal setting. In one-on-one sessions with Club professionals, members set achievable "Know-I-Can" goals, more challenging "Think-I-Can" goals and yearly "Believe-I-Can" goals, then create action plans. The program provides for recognition of members' achievements at every step of the journey.